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Small business websites on search engines

Setting up a small business can be daunting but understanding how the internet ranks your small business website can seem even more daunting. Here are a few tips and tricks that can be easily implemented by any business to get started with their online journey.

1. Using key terms in the domain name

Consider using key terms in your domain name. It can be difficult to find domain names and also difficult to choose them. However sometimes having a key term in your domain name can help your business to rank higher on search engines. For example if a new taxi service opens in Manchester having would be the ideal situation for them.

You can find out more about the importance of domain names from

2. Are users mispelt certain words?

Often mispelt words can rank higher than the correct spelling. Finding the stats for these misspellings can be used as an advantage as the business can focus on ranking for these mispelt terms that competition have not even considered.

3. Focusing on interactions with customers.

Smaller businesses generally have better relationships with their customers. Communicating with them on social media platforms such as responding to comments on Facebook. This means can you utilise your every day communications with these clients for better SEO performance.

4. Long-tail keywords

These are longer commonly used phrases to find certain goods and services. They are much more specific and can be very useful for small businesses to find them. The process involves using keyword tools to find variations of these terms with high search volumes and a low search difficulty and then trying to rank for them.

5. Keeping your services and content very niche.

Not trying to pack everything into one place is the best approach to small businesses. The best is to focus on a niche market or service and aim to rank just for that with the aim of becoming a very credible source for these niches and ranking for very specific keywords.

6. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly

Google uses mobile first indexing which makes it essential to have your website mobile friendly and ranking highly using the page speed tools. You can test your site below with the Googles page speed tool

If you need a more in depth explanation of these tips you can see them from Neil Patel’s video on How to rank smaller websites on google.