

girls blue eye


Candylashes is a beauty business in Dublin, Ireland specializing in eyelash extensions. They offer a full range of eyelashes in a variety of length and colours and primarily target young, glamourous women and girls.



  • Candylashes is an Irish beauty business specializing in eyelash extensions
  • The client was relying on word-of-mouth for business and wanted to establish a visual identity that evoked professionalism, playfulness and the owner’s unique style
  • Colouring Department delivered a full branding package to the client, including a custom logo, an elegantly feminine colour palette, and full brand guidelines
  • Following this project, the client was able to extend their reach within their local market and is now typically fully booked for their services

The need

When Candylashes first approached Colouring Department, they were a blank slate. At the time, their business relied solely on word-of-mouth. The client wanted to expand their reach and gain more credibility in their market by creating a visual brand (including a logo) and establishing an online presence, primarily via social media.

Due to the nature of Candylashes’ customer base, they needed a brand that was young, vibrant, feminine and sexy, all with a touch of elegance. Their logo needed to work across online and offline channels, including printed merchandise material.


The solution

The key outcome that Colouring Department wanted to achieve for Candylashes was to give them a visual identity that would communicate their trustworthiness and quality to potential customers. Because the client was a sole trader, we wanted to establish a brand that would capture the professionalism of a larger company while still maintaining the business owner’s personality and style.

Colouring Department delivered a full brand to the client, including branding guidelines and a new company image. We introduced a range of feminine pink shades and a fun, animated logo that simultaneously communicated professionalism and playfulness. The logo had two components: the word ‘Candy’ spelt out in what resembles thousands of sweets, while the word “Lashes” looks like a full, elegant set of eyelashes.

The result

With the Colouring Department’s help, Candylashes was able to expand beyond their status as a service provider to a full-fledged brand. With a logo and other branding elements that connect with their target audience, they were able to build their online presence and ultimately grow their business. They now have many full-time clients and constant ongoing work.